How to look inside yourself and how to think critically in making decisions at GIGIH 2021

Raka Prasetya Nugraha
4 min readAug 8, 2021
Photo by Jaël Vallée on Unsplash

After experiencing the activities of the persistent generation for approximately 5 weeks, during its implementation I have received a lot of benefits. The material being taught is of an industry standard that is needed now, not only that during the material activities we are guided by mentors in each class, both technical, language, and IDP (Individual Mentoring Guideline).

Looking back from the material that has been taught, the core of the three classes is how we can think critically, work together in teams, introspect ourselves, and dare to express our thoughts. For myself, while participating in activities at GIGIH, I get new knowledge related to current technology that is used by most of today’s technology industries, this can be used as a benchmark for taking related jobs.

Second, after knowing what we do can have a positive effect, the next is how this knowledge is useful for the lives around us, with critical thinking the knowledge we have or we have can be used in more detail, for example, what kind of knowledge can we get closer to things? which is desired? does this knowledge make me a better person? etc. Therefore, critical thinking is also needed in processing the knowledge we get and what we will use it for later.

Next is how to adapt, during the training period we are also guided to be able to adapt to new people by separating several people into small groups to discuss solutions to the problems that have been given. This indirectly forces us to be able to adapt and be able to give opinions and ideas from a problem, this is very relevant because the reality in the world of work will be like this where we are required to be able to adapt and be able to speak up to express opinions. Then what is our attitude in dealing with a problem and what is the solution to the problem, here is my personal way to behave and deal with existing problems.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

How do you deal with losing or setbacks in your life?

My personal way of dealing with the problems that exist in this life, first I always look inside myself whether what I am doing is good and right? Because good is not necessarily true if judged by other people’s point of view, and vice versa true is not necessarily good if judged from another person’s point of view, then from this it becomes very important because correcting ourselves opens up new perspectives to overcome a problem.

Second, analyzing a problem and making the right choice requires critical thinking where this can be related to our ability to predict what will happen if we take these actions or in other words critical thinking can lead us to have a visionary view which of course this is not easy especially if we have minimal experience and knowledge, this can be overcome with easy steps, namely by asking and discussing with someone who has experienced this phase. Of course this cannot be applied overnight or two nights, but from the efforts and experiences of people who have been through it, and most importantly when we are in a difficult position make sure to have a support system from either humans or God so as not to give up and despair when are in a phase of loss or decline in life.

How has this program changed your life during this lockdown period?

The benefit that I got from the first generation of GIGIH program is that I get new knowledge that is currently needed in the industry, this opens up opportunities for me to get closer to the job I want. Not only that, language teaching is also carried out to familiarize us to be able to communicate proficiently in foreign languages, this is also very much needed in today’s conditions where collaboration and cooperation between countries is needed either just to add connections or expand opportunities to get jobs abroad.

The last is IDP (Individual Mentoring Guideline) where with IDP as a support system, both related to the problems of the GIGIH generation or related to personal problems, IDP mostly discusses problems related to work and personal life. Each of us is asked to talk about the problems we are facing while the others will provide input for solutions to the problems at hand. I think this activity is important as a more private exchange of ideas where this can be related to someone’s life who might be able to help to overcome the problem.

What kind of future self do you want yours to be? How will Generation GIGIH help you to become your future self?

In the future I want to be a founder of a startup that is engaged in artificial intelligence where in everyday life machines and artificial intelligence are a necessity of life or rather become everyone’s personal assistant. The GIGIH Generation itself provides facilities to support the skills needed by me personally, starting from engineering classes, namely by analyzing data, teaching the language needed to communicate, and IDP which functions as a support system and a place to exchange experiences and information needed in the work required.

Here’s my personal approach to dealing with setbacks in life, what I can say is “no matter what happens don’t give up even if you’re in a very dark place and can’t find a single light. Keep trying, maybe then there will be a way. “

