Final Moment In Generation GIGIH 2021

Raka Prasetya Nugraha
4 min readAug 16, 2021


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

I can’t believe that 6 week has passed, there are many impressions and experiences that I got from this generation of PERSISTENT 2021. Some of the benefits I got from this program are how to work together in a team, think critically in solving problems, be open-minded to accept other people’s opinions and input, and the last is how we respond to existing problems. The following is what I got during the last 6 weeks in the GIGIH 2021 generation program.

As a Front End / Data Student, what did I know 6 weeks ago and what do I know now?

What I have learned and learned over the past 6 weeks as a participant in Data Analyst is how important it is to process data for the continuation of a company’s business processes. Based on what we have been taught if the data used is not valid it will affect business processes, this shows that being a Data Analyst in addition to processing the data into a visualization, we must first process the data itself.

The data obtained has been processed and validated that this data is good and of good quality. The next step is the data that can be processed based on a series of problems, but before the data is used based on a series of problems, we must first detail or narrow the problem to make it more efficient in the application of the data.

The next data is processed first using Big Querry where in this process the data will be processed and grouped into several categories, if the data has been processed then the data will be analyzed using a notebook such as Google Colab or Jupyter Notebook, where in this process the data will be calculated and filtered based on categories that exist in a series of problems such as determining the p-value to determine the hypothesis that will be used later.

If the data has been analyzed, the next step is to visualize the data dashboard, before showing the results of the data visualization, we first determine the experimentation where there are goals, root causes, hypotheses, proposed solutions, and metrics as data assessment parameters. Next, from the assessment aspect above, experimentation will be made and a period of testing time will be made, to determine the hypothesis used based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out, one of which uses a p-value with a percentage value that we set ourselves. The results of the analysis are used to create data visualizations, then create a dashboard to represent the data that we process.

What skills have I developed in the past 6 weeks? What skills do I need to develop now? (refer to your technical skill, English skill, and soft skill)

The skills that I can and develop over the last six weeks are very much, especially in technical and non-technical skills, in technical skills I get the minimum knowledge needed by a data analyst in the industrial world. Broadly speaking, the knowledge that I got as a participant in data analysis is how to choose good data, process it, describe the root of the problem, analyze the data, and visualize the data.

For non-technical skills, what I got were in the form of improving language, how to communicate, and how to work together in a team. Not only that, in addition to improving my communication skills, I also get relationships that can then be used for other purposes. For now, the skills that I want to improve are more technical, such as making visualizations, processing data, describing the root of the problem.

What good habits did you learn by joining Generation GIGIH?

Through the program of persistent activities, the good habits I have gained are becoming more frequent in writing articles, getting used to being able to communicate using English, both written and spoken, and communicating with people we do not know in order to increase relationships.

In percentage, measure how your learning process in Generation GIGIH have improved your chance to be hired or employed in your aspired field? Tell us your evidence.

The percentage of learning that I experienced when I was in the persistent generation was 70% to increase my chances of being employed, this is evidenced that in making a CV, cover letter, LinkedIn, and the acquired skills (technical and non-technical) meet the existing minimum standards. in the industrial world. Making my CV before did not follow industry standards where the company is now sorting CVs using ATS (Application Tracking System) where for the CV background is white, the writing size is min 12 and the font style can be read, for writing categories in bold, and eliminating unnecessary writing such as religion, status, etc.

At the end of this technical class, are you proud of yourself? Why or Why not?

At the end of the technical class I was proud of myself because I was able to stay involved in the technical activities until the end, besides that I also felt happy that I had gained new insights and knowledge needed by today’s companies. Apart from what I have learned from the technical class, I also get an overview of the world of work where we are trained to be able to work together and decrease selfishness in accepting opinions and input.



Raka Prasetya Nugraha
Raka Prasetya Nugraha

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